Unless you’ve been under a rock, you’ve probably heard many experts recommend regular meditation practice for stress relief, reduced blood pressure, weight management, anxiety, mood, and overall health. I’ve been meditating regularly for over six years. But I still remember the time when I didn’t meditate daily. Back then, I thought that meditating was mystical…
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I used to be a major night owl. I stayed up late every night, which usually meant difficulty waking up the next day. I developed this habit when I was a kid. I think it had to do with the fact that my mom worked the middle shift, which meant she didn’t get home until…
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Eating is an essential part of life, but it can be a source of great happiness or huge guilt. You have to eat to survive and to fuel yourself, but if you eat too much, it can lead to weight gain as well as other health issues. Many holidays, events, and social activities are centered…
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Metta Meditation It can be easy to direct loving kindness to other people in our lives, but a lot of us may not be so comfortable at offering these same gifts to ourselves. Most of us have that tiny voice inside our heads that can be anything but kind. In this meditation, we’ll work at…
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