Eating is an essential part of life, but it can be a source of great happiness or huge guilt. You have to eat to survive and to fuel yourself, but if you eat too much, it can lead to weight gain as well as other health issues. Many holidays, events, and social activities are centered…
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Balance the energy of your body with this 15-minute meditation. Enjoy it seated or lying down.
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Do you feel like your life is passing you by and you’re missing the good parts? We rush, rush, rush to that next destination, through all the tasks on our to-do list, from one thing to another with barely catching a breath or stopping to notice. We eat without tasting or enjoying our food. We…
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“If it’s free it’s for me.” I heard one of my friends say this once—she was joking (OK, not really) about her rationale for eating a sugary donut at work. She’d been struggling with losing weight, but she justified eating it because someone else bought it so, no cost to her. Again, not really.
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We all have a lot of concerns with the way our world has suddenly changed. Many public events have been cancelled or postponed and even schools have been closed. Just turning on the news can be upsetting and stressful. In my humble opinion, the best thing we can do is to stay calm, and yoga…
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Where do you stand with your New Year’s resolution? Are you still hanging in, or have you thrown in the towel? Did you know that almost 80% of people abandon their resolutions before the second week in January? So, if this is you, you’re not alone. The important thing to remember is that even if…
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To become healthier, we need to bring our daily habits into alignment with our goals, but what does that really mean? It means that we need to look at things that we do day-in and day-out for better or for worse. And then we need to see how those habits play a part in who…
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Meditation has so many benefits: from stress relief and easing pain to boosting your immunity. But to get those benefits, you must do it. Often, we make things trickier or more complicated than they need to be. And when we do this, we usually find a way to talk ourselves out of whatever that “thing”…
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