I used to be a major night owl. I stayed up late every night, which usually meant difficulty waking up the next day. I developed this habit when I was a kid. I think it had to do with the fact that my mom worked the middle shift, which meant she didn’t get home until…
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When it comes to nourishing your body, having a plan can mean the difference between eating well and living on take-out. It can make the difference between feeling comfortable in your clothing and feeling like nothing in your closet fits. Finally, it can mean the difference between feeling healthy and vibrant and feeling lethargic and…
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Do you notice any changes in your body in the fall? According to Ayurveda, fall is the Vata time of year. Vata has qualities such as dry, mobile, light, rough, cool, and subtle. You might notice these qualities in nature–all the falling leaves, the wind, and the temperature starts to cool. And you might see…
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What do you want your life to look like a year from now? How do you want to look and feel? One of the primary keys to achieving any success, whether losing weight, running a marathon, or getting a promotion, is your mindset. A lot of people use affirmations, and I’m a big fan of…
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What’s holding you back from living the life that you want? I mean the life you deep-down REALLY desire, with the healthy body that you deserve, able to do the things you choose to, and fully participating in your life? Do you feel like you’re “stuck” in a body or a life that doesn’t…
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